Mountain Water Retreat

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Busy Hibernation

Like a painting, a story, a poem, a song, Mountain Water is a work in progress. The new year, 2020, finds us in a busy hibernation. The move from Boulder CO is complete; unpacking and organizing continue to be the focus our energy. We've built a lot of shelves! See the views of the library coming to life. All the art books we've collected over the years make a rich and invaluable resource for drawing and study. They are now all housed in the sunny studio ready and waiting.

Lots happened in September. The long-anticipated installation of Mountain Water’s solar array was really exciting. Generating most of our power via solar is an essential part of the building design. Though not completely off the grid, we’ll be generating about as much electricity as we’re using. Two beloved visitors, who wish to remain anonymous for now, made a gift of the entire installation. We're ever grateful for their generosity!

Through the fall and early winter, an informal procession of artist guests have visited. Everyone is immediately affected by the stillness and beauty here. Contemplation and artistic imagination mix naturally; and daily basics, like cleaning, cooking, and conversation, happen with familial simplicity. Cory Kohn, Marisa Montagna, and Mikayla Sanford were among our autumn visitors; they arrived with the single-minded intention of working on Jimmy’s place, the land and house our late neighbor, Jimmy Robieson, left to us. These three set to the task with respect and energy and a let’s-get-this-place-back-into-artistic-action spirit! Wow.

Marisa, Mikayla, and Corey posturing in front of the Mayan Pavilion

Last week a shipment of new meditation cushions arrived. We got them in sage green so they’re ready for deployment outdoors in the wilds. There is a custom at Mountain Water to sit outdoors in all seasons.  (We have a nice collection of wool blankets, too.)

It’s hard to describe the experience of being here after so many years of dreaming, scheming, and being cajoled, prodded, and encouraged to bring the vision into being. Because so many of you have been part of this process, we feel free of “owning” Mountain Water. It will be grand to see you here! Stay tuned for our official opening next summer.