Mountain Water Retreat

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This is Joe. He’s a lizard. His ancestors have lived on this land for millennia. He moved into the studio at Mountain Water as the autumn temperatures fell and hid himself until we discovered him in late November. We’ve never had a lizard in the house, and we weren’t sure what to do. It seemed cruel to put him outside, so we politely ignored him for some weeks and let him go about his business. Fortunately, he prefers the can-do atmosphere of the main studio.

We named him Joe. (Some herpetologists say that lizards will respond to the names that humans give them, so why not?) We greet him every morning as he warms up in the new day’s sunshine.

Since moving in, Joe has placed himself in charge of insect control. He’s working here, always on the lookout for the many tiny creatures that find their way indoors. (And yes, he eats them.)

 It is said that lizards represent dragons, which are regarded as good fortune in many Asian and traditional cultures around the world. A lizard in the house is said to be a harbinger of something new and positive. Or of protection. Or prosperity. Or regeneration.

 The lunar new year that begins this month is The Year of the Dragon. Call it coincidence if you will. We suddenly feel an urge to pay more attention to the proper respectful protocols! Perhaps the lizard’s augury of something newly arriving could be you yourself coming to Mountain Water.

In addition to self-directed retreats, we offer in-house tutorials in drawing, painting, watercolor, and general creativity, all in the context of contemplative inquiry. Both of us have many years of training and teaching in studio arts and mindfulness meditation and can assist you in designing a retreat that includes instruction and lots of studio time. Your retreat could be any duration of your choosing and could be solo or with a group of like-minded friends. Let us know if this interests you.

Best wishes,

Robert Spellman and Joan Anderson