Double Your Fun

Greetings Dear Friends,

Thank you, thank you for your enthusiastic response to last month’s Mountain Water news and word of our neighbor’s generous gift of his land. Thank you to all who have made financial contributions to build Mountain Water.

Richard Ortiz, drywall and circus pro; Robert looking on in awe.

Richard Ortiz, drywall and circus pro; Robert looking on in awe.

Big news on that front! To get us to a finished building, one of our investors will match any contribution you make, between now and May 15th. Outrageous, right? Ten dollars becomes twenty, twenty becomes forty, one hundred becomes two hundred, and so on. All contributions large and small will double in size, now is your opportunity. Press that button "I Built Mountain Water" down below, and follow the prompts. If all goes well, we’ll be opening Mountain Water without debt. The rest will be gravy.


Mountain Water brings together the practice streams of meditation and art in a place surrounded by mountains and trees older than our own memories, a laboratory for you and future artists. We’re now planning a month-long housewarming for later in the summer; come and see Mountain Water, meditate, paint, draw, write, dance, eat, plant, rake, scythe…take it all for a test drive! Stay tuned for details.